Bulletin Week July 21, 2019

click here for full bulletin

From the Pastor’s Desk

God created man in his image,
in the image of God he created him,
male and female he created them.”
[Genesis 1:27]

In the Judeo-Christian tradition, humans are the crown of God’s creation. Due to this significant place we
have in the order of creation, God the Creator established a specific command that we are to hold to: Be fertile and
multiply, fill the earth and steward it (Gn 1:28). This means that man and woman are stewards of the created world
and have a special role in cooperating with the Creator in pro-creation.

Coupled with the passage in Genesis 2 that tells us of the Divine Plan for the union of man and woman in
marriage, the Catholic Church has always held that the conjugal act must be open to God’s plan. This is Natural
Family Planning Awareness Week in the Dioceses of the United States. Married couples and all adults must learn
and continue to be convinced of the need to cooperate with God by grace, so that the design for married love can
bear fruit.

Our culture has cheapened both the sexual act as well as the holy purpose of Marriage. This week is an
opportunity for us to be more intentional in (1) learning about God’s plan, (2) committing ourselves to promote it
and (3) be willing to support this view so that it is known as something that comes from God.

A great place to learn more is www.foryourmarriage.org. It has resources not only about Natural Family
Planning, but also for couples (married as well as those dating or engaged) to live according to God’s plan. The
patrons of NFP Awareness Week are Saints Joachim and Ann, the parents of the Blessed Virgin Mary. Through their
intercession, may we commit ourselves to God’s plan for marriage that it will lead us to true salvation!
Father Tom