Bulletin Week June 25, 2017

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“I will give thanks to the Lord, with my whole heart….” (Psalm 9:1a)

Following the joy-filled celebrations of last weekend, as your pastor, I cannot but echo the above words of the Psalmist. So many people gave so much of themselves to make the Ordination Liturgy as well as the Mass of Thanksgiving offered by Father Briggs, followed by the Eucharistic Procession, such memorable, grace-filled events.

Thanks to the Cathedral Choirs led by Dr. Bernie Sans as well as our organist, Shannon McKay; thanks to our sacristans and ushers who ministered extra hard and with longer hours than usual to be of service to those who came to celebrate with us; thanks to our altar servers and other liturgical ministers who, throughout the year, glorify God and assist the clergy at the altar. Special thanks to Dennis Kasten and the Cathedral Men’s Group and others who helped in the set-up of the altars at the stations for the Eucharistic Procession and provided water along the way!!! And thanks to the members of the Cathedral staff, especially our maintenance crew, who were superb in assisting with so much that very few people may notice.

To all these – and many others not listed here – my profound thanks. Finally, on his final Sunday with us as Parochial Vicar, we collectively say “T Y!” to Father Lawrence Peck. Since 2004 you have called St. Augustine and the Cathedral Parish your home. Just because you take another assignment in Gainesville, I know that this place will always have a special place in your heart. Know you are always welcome here. But allow me to express, for all in the Cathedral Parish family, our thanks for your generous, zealous and self-giving ministry to us. May God bless you always!!!

Love, Father Tom