Bulletin Week March 5, 2017

click here for full bulletin


crossFrom the Pastor’s Desk

First of all a BIG THANK YOU to all who volunteered or assisted in any way at last week’s 32nd Annual Cathedral Festival. The Lord blessed us with some great weather, but more importantly, with big crowds and the wonderful support of so many parents, parishioners and others that will go to make this year’s edition of the Festival a huge success. We’ll get you a full report of net profits once we get all the bills paid and the financial sheets balance.

An additional thank you goes out to our Cathedral Parishioners for how you stepped up with your financial support of the Festival’s raffle. You either sold or donated monies towards the raffle that were 33% higher than last year!!!! We can’t thank you enough for that kind of tremendous support!

Now we are full swing into Lent. This past Wednesday we recalled our mortality as well as our inclination to be sinners with the ashes that were placed on our heads. For the next six weeks we are invited to be fully engaged in the penitential disciplines of prayer, fasting and works of charity. These works of mortification come from the Lord Jesus’ own words in the Sermon on the Mount from the Gospel of Saint Matthew. It’s interesting that when you study the history of Christianity, these disciplines were not just something an individual practice, they were also understood to be an exercise of the whole community. In this way, the community supported the individual and the individual, likewise, the community and, thus, the Church journeyed together to the joys of the Paschal Mystery celebrated in Holy Week.

And the ultimate purpose for fully entering into these disciplines was to accomplish penance for the sake of conversion to a Gospel way of life. Know of my prayers for you during this holy season.

Father Tom