Iconography 101


Write your own icon

Icons have a rich history in the Christian tradition. We have seen them in all sorts of church art. Where do icons come from? Why do people have a reverence for icons? How do icons come to be?

These questions and more will come to life as you explore the mystery of iconography, or the “writing of icons.” In this class consisting of two day-long sessions, you will learn and prayerfully write your own icon under the direction of experienced artist, Debra Graleski.

Using illuminations from the visiting Saint John’s Bible as inspiration, Debra will identify symbolism and process in the creation of religious art. As you prayerfully write your own icon of the Holy Face, you will experience a new love of the art.

The class is held on Saturday, February 10 and Saturday, February 17, 9:00 AM until 3:00 PM, at the Bosco House, 10 Sebastian Avenue, St. Augustine. Registration for this class is limited to 10 participants. The fee of $50 includes materials and lunch both days.

For more information, contact Dorothy Hesson, hessond@gmail.com, or 904 540-1930.

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