Bulletin Week November 28, 2021

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Letter from Fr. Mac

Preparations and decorations, ornaments and wreaths.  By now, most of us have fully begun our preparations for Christmas.  I found it funny that the lights and ornaments were already coming up around town before Halloween.  We love to prepare our homes for Christmas; I hope we’re also preparing our souls for the coming of the Lord.

Stillness, solitude and silence. What if those were some of the things we put on our calendars in the midst of Christmas parties and cooking? They’re three necessities for preparing our hearts for Jesus, yet they’re also the things we have the least this time of year! That being said, anything is possible for God.

Let’s be intentional during these four short weeks to make time for stillness, solitude and silence so we can actually enjoy the coming of Jesus. We’re very blessed to have adoration of the Blessed Sacrament available so readily both at the Cathedral and just down the road at the Shrine. We can also make time for “the big three” in the monastery of our own hearts in the different parts of the day. In so doing, we will be the light of the world and the salt of the earth. Instead of running around, stressed out, we will be the ones to bring peace, even when surrounded by chaos.

In the Sacred Heart,

Fr. Mac