Bulletin Week January 6, 2019

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From the Pastor’s Desk

A reflection on the Epiphany from Carl Fotunato

“The word Epiphany means “Manifestation” and the season is given over to focusing on many Scriptural revelations of the nature of Christ. As it follows Christmas, it almost seems as though the liturgy is saying, “Ok – so now we have this baby. So who IS he?” And the whole rest of the season is given over to answering that very profound question.

“It starts with the first Manifestation to the Gentiles – the wise men from the East who came, bringing the gifts of gold, frankincense and myrrh that show that this child is King, God, and Sacrifice. Then it moves on to His baptism where the Spirit descends and the voice of the Father calls Him the Beloved Son. Then, in one out of the three liturgical years (it used to be in all three) the week following recounts his first miracle – Cana – the miraculous foreshadowing of the water and blood which flowed from His side. Then, the encounter of Paul on the road to Damascus. The Confession of Peter, where the Christ’s identity is stated plainly. And the climax, of course, is the Presentation in the Temple, where we all can say – just like Simeon – that our eyes have seen the Savior.”

These next several weeks will allow us to continue to marvel at the gift of our salvation, Jesus, as given to the world to manifest his heavenly Father’s love. Let us behold such a love that loves beyond all our imagining!


Father Tom