Whether you are a regular parishioner or someone who would like to contribute to the Cathedral Basilica’s mission we need your support.

Our mission is to be Christ’s eyes, ears, mouth, hands, and feet – sent out to do justice, especially for the poor and oppressed, to minister to the needs of the community, to be faithful stewards of God’s creation – awakening faith among the hopeless, and promoting life even within the culture of death. We cannot do this without your help. Regular donations insure that we have the funds not only to preserve all of the historic buildings of our parish (including the Cathedral, St. Benedict the Moor Church, the Cathedral Parish School, The Bosco House, and Tolomato Cemetery), but also help our liturgical and educational ministries.

Electronic giving is done through our partner Faith Direct. They can assist you in setting up a convenient monthly electronic payment or you can make a one-time donation with your debit or credit card through their secure servers. Faith Direct provides offertory cards to be used during the collection as a visible sign of your electronic donations. These cards are personalized with your name.