Bulletin Week July 23, 2017

click here for full bulletin

From the Pastor’s Desk


In the Catechism of the Catholic Church the Sacraments of Holy Orders and Marriage are called “Sacraments at the Service of the Communion of the Church.” Therefore, neither marriage nor holy orders (diaconate and priesthood) should ever be entered into lightly. Rather, a full discernment is necessary in order to know that God is calling you to celebrate and live one of these Sacraments of His Church.

I am proud to let you know that two of our Cathedral parishioners have discerned that our Lord is possibly calling them to ordained ministry in the priesthood. Filippo Schiavo, who many of you have seen grow up here, especially on the altar, and Michael Hines, who has joined our community most especially through participation in our parish’s Senior Youth Group (SYG), will begin college seminar studies at Saint John Vianney Seminary in Miami in early August. On Sunday, August 6, our community will bless them and ask the Holy Spirit’s care for each of them as they begin this period of discernment.

The full expenses of college seminary education are not covered by the Diocese of St. Augustine. And so, our college seminarians are asked to find “sponsors” to assist them with tuition and other expenses involved with these next four years. If you would be able to give some assistance, please consider sending a donation to us. Make checks payable to “Cathedral Parish” with a note that it is for “Seminarians Assistance Fund.” I know that Filippo and Michael, as well as their families, will appreciate your help (and your prayers). And, I’m sure they will keep you in theirs.


Father Tom