Bulletin Week June 18, 2017

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From the Pastor’s Desk

On this Lord’s Day, we have so much to be thankful for and celebrate. As always, our first note of gratitude must always be to God for the gift of our salvation in His Son, Christ Jesus our Lord. Today, however, that gratitude may grow to a fever pitch as we give thanks for the ordinations of Fathers Wilson Colmenares and Briggs Hurley for service in the Diocese of St. Augustine. Our appreciation grows that much more as Father Briggs celebrates a Mass of Thanksgiving here in the Cathedral Basilica of Saint Augustine – in the parish where he began to formally discern the Lord’s call in his life to a priestly vocation.

”Like Melchizedek, you are a priest forever” [Ps 109 [110]:4b]. This psalm verse has been used for ages to celebrate the ordination of priests in the Church. Melchizedek was an ancient king in the city that would become Jerusalem. Like kings of old he performed priestly functions, too, and blessed Abraham and his men following a military victory. The author of the Letter to the Hebrews sees in that one verse of Psalm 109/110 a reference to Christ, whose sacrifice on the cross was without parallel, and yet is repeated sacramentally at the altar by those who are ordained priests. Christ, the High Priest, continues to bless His Church through our priests and their ministry in His Holy Name. Christ, whose priesthood remains forever, shares that priesthood so that His Church can continue to offer spiritual sacrifices acceptable to His heavenly Father.

On the Solemnity of the Most Holy Body and Blood of Christ, we are reminded that the Eucharist is at the center of our Sacramental and Liturgical life in the Church. Priests are necessary for this life to continue. Pray for an increase in vocations to the priesthood and, thank you as well, for your prayers supporting all priests.


Father Tom