Bulletin week June 26, 2016

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                                                From the Pastor’s Desk

One of the greathomas aquinastest theologians that Catholic Church has ever known was Saint Thomas Aquinas (c. 1225-1274). His  remains one of the greatest works of systematic theology in the very long history of the Church.

A foundational principle for all humans in Thomas’ writings, even before coming to belief in God, is the principle of the common good. In brief, Thomas holds that whether one believes in God or not, the Almighty has imprinted certain inclinations in every human – one of which is that we are directed to a final end of seeking eternal happiness. Thus, in his words, “good is to be done and pursued, evil is to be avoided.” Among the goods that Thomas holds up as the most important are “to know the truth about God and to live harmoniously in society.” Therefore, to live in society (as a community) together we must seek “the common good which is always superior to the good of the individual.” This has become one of the basic principles of Catholic social teaching.

Over the last several decades, our nation has promoted the rights of individuals over the common good. While God created us in his own “image and likeness” (see Gen 1:26), God placed us in a community (the creation of man and woman) to reflect what Christians have come believe about God as being One God in a Trinity of Persons. Sin entered the world when Adam and Eve turned in on themselves instead of helping each other avoid sin. All this was further complicated when their son, Cain, slew his brother, Abel. Considering oneself over the good of others becomes the foundation of all sin.

In an election year that also comes within the backdrop of so many high profile tragedies over the last decade and more, what can we as Catholics do to promote the common good? For Saint Thomas, one of the basic questions that society, in general, must ask of itself is how can the best goods – freedom to practice religion, bettering oneself through education, protecting all from enemies and evil – be attained without isolating ourselves as a community?


Father Tom