Bulletin Week March 12, 2017

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Transfiguration- rafaelFROM THE PASTOR’S DESK

On the Second Sunday of Lent in 2014, Pope Francis, speaking at his weekly Angelus Address, reminded the thousands in Saint Peter’s Square of the importance of the story of the Transfiguration as part of our Lenten journey. “Suddenly from on high the voice of the Father resounds proclaiming Jesus to be his most beloved Son, saying, ‘Listen to him.’ This word is important! Our Father said this to these Apostles, and says it to us as well: ‘Listen to Jesus, because he is my beloved Son.’”

Not too long ago I was engaged in one of those classic discussions with a non-Catholic Christian who sincerely believed that we Catholics don’t believe in the Bible. No matter what I said in response, she was convinced in her belief. I so wanted to shout, “Are you listening to me!” And maybe as the Church arrives at the Mount of Trans- figuration this Second Sunday of Lent, that’s the challenge God is giving us – listen to His Son, the Incarnate Word! Our reading, reflecting and praying the Bible regularly is the most sure-fire way to do this.

Preparing for Sunday Mass by pre-reading the Scripture readings before arriving at Church is another. But it doesn’t stop there. As Pope Francis remarked at that same Angelus Address: “When we listen to the Word of Jesus and carry it in our heart, this Word grows. Do you know how it grows? By giving it to the other! The Word of Christ grows in us when we proclaim it, when we give it to others!” And maybe if we Catholics did that, more Christians would know that we believe in, know, and practice the great treasure that is the Bible!

Love, Father Tom