Bulletin Week October 1, 2017

click here for full bulletin


From the Pastor’s Desk


Today is Respect Life Sunday in the Dioceses of the United States and begins Respect Life Month for the Church. This year the motto chosen by our bishops is, Be Not Afraid.

Our responsibility to uphold and defend the Gospel of Life in a very secular society that does not consistently value life across all spectrums and issues is why we must never be afraid. Our parish’s mission statement boldly declares this as its conclusion – “promoting life even within the culture of death.” Recalling that our Catholic faith states that all life is sacred from conception to natural death, our promotion of life includes the child in the womb and the elderly just as much as it includes the refugee, the homeless, the imprisoned, those who are addicts to drugs, alcohol and pornography. Ultimately, the Gospel’s message – and Catholicism’s — is that we must uphold the dignity of each and every person.

I know that over the last several weeks our families have been asked to do much to assist various causes. When you have a chance to make a contribution using the Respect Life envelope, please do. Proceeds are used at the parish, diocesan and national levels to support efforts that proclaim the sacredness of life as intended by God our Creator and Redeemer.


Father Tom