Bulletin Week October 15, 2017

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“We must give more in order to get more. It is the generous giving of ourselves that produces the generous harvest.”
—- Orison Sewtt Marden (1848-1924)

With Autumn upon us, it’s harvest time, too. Farmers are seeing what the yield of their crops are now after the Spring planting. Jesus often used such motifs in his parables
to make the point of what has come to be known as “the harvest for heaven.” This is the harvest that will happen in its fullness on the Judgement Day when Christ will
“hand over the kingdom to God the Father, after he has destroyed every ruler and every authority and power. For Christ must reign until he has put all enemies under his
feet” (1 Corinthians 15:24-25).
These final weeks of the liturgical year are always about the Last Things. How we will be judged by our Creator and Redeemer needs to be taken seriously. Dr.
Marden’s words of advice are a good way for each of us to examine what is happening in my life so that I can be part of the “generous harvest” of God. Jesus gave everything –
His Life – for ours so that we could be citizens of the Kingdom. What changes might I need to make so that I am part of the great harvest of saints and all the holy ones?
Love, Father Tom