Bulletin Week October 22, 2017

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Today is World Mission Sunday throughout the Roman Catholic Church. The day was created by Pope Pius XI – promulgated to be a continual reminder to the faithful
of the Church’s mission to bring the Gospel of Christ to every person in every corner of the world.

This year in the annual papal message for World Mission Sunday, His Holiness Pope Francis has given us the
theme of “Mercy changes the World!” He writes:

The world vitally needs the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Through the Church, Christ continues his mission as the Good Samaritan, caring for the bleeding
wound of humanity, and as the Good Shepherd, constantly seeking out those who wander along winding paths that lead nowhere. (2017 Message
for World Mission Sunday, no. 5) And once again, I want to remind you how our own Parish Mission Statement reminds us of this mission – the
work of Christ, “to do justice, especially for the poor and oppressed… awakening faith among the hopeless and promoting life even within the culture of death.” How often
we have opportunities to be Christ to one another – all our brothers and sisters – so that the walls of hatred, racism and prejudice can be broken down for good! How
often a simple smile and a few kind words can lift up the homeless and the poor that we see on our streets each day!

The Mission is not impossible! No, the Mission isChrist’s and we are His instruments.
Love, Father Tom