Bulletin Week September 3, 2017

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From the Pastor’s Desk

In the wake of another hurricane hitting a major part of the United States, we who experienced (and in many cases still are experiencing) the devastation from Hurricane Matthew can relate to what our brothers and sisters in Texas are going through now. Cardinal Daniel DiNardo, Archbishop of Galveston-Houston, has asked for our prayers as the Texas Gulf Coast begins to assess all the damage that has brought by this storm.

As there was last year for our area, there will eventually be a national collection by our bishops to assist those devastated by Hurricane Harvey. You can help now by going to catholiccharitiesusa.org to make a financial donation that will go directly to storm-related recovery efforts. Your generosity is appreciated.

And amidst the turmoil of hurricane recovery, when we so need to welcome all as brothers and sisters in need, our country must face, due to the actions of a few, the evils of racism, hatred and prejudice. All of these are sins and when these motivate anyone to cause personal harm to anyone, the sin is exacerbated. Recall the might words of the prophet Micah: “This is what God asks of you: to act justly, love tenderly and walk humbly with our God” (Mic 6:8). Justice, love and humility have to be the manner in which the children of God interact with all.

On this Labor Day weekend, recall that the work we do is not only that which supports ourselves and families. The work we do is also the “work of the Gospel,” that is, to live the life of freedom from our sins in Jesus Christ. And when we have sinned, we have “a Mediator who pleads our cause to the Father, Jesus Christ” (see 1 John 2:1). In the Sacrament of Penance, we experience the depths of God’s mercy in Jesus.


Father Tom