The Saint John’s Bible

The St. John’s Bible: Spreading the Word In Text and Image

Wednesday, February 21, 6:15-7:30 p.m. at the Bishop Baker Center, Cathedral Basilica parishioner and Diocesan Ministry Formation Program professor Jack Daniels, Th.D., will discuss the spread of the Gospel over time via the Sacred Scriptures – Old and New Testaments – using the text and images of the St. John’s Bible Heritage edition.

The calligraphers and artists involved in the fifteen-year process of creating the first handwritten illuminated Bible of its scale in over 500 years faced many of the same challenges as the ancient Christian scribes who worked tirelessly to transmit the Word of God in text and image.

With the St. John’s Bible volume on hand for viewing, the story of the origins and transmission of the biblical text over time will be told highlighting the challenges involved in creating, maintaining, and copying the Word of God.

To RSVP or get more information contact Andrew Tierney by February 20 at 904-824-2806 ext. 315, or email

The volume of the Saint John’s Bible Heritage Edition has arrived and was enthroned during Solemn Vespers in the Cathedral-Basilica on January 14th. The volume will remain in the Cathedral through February.