Bulletin Week April 25, 2021

click here for full bulletin


From the Pastor’s Desk

The World Day of Prayer for Vocations was first observed in the Catholic Church in 1964. Pope Saint Paul VI called for this day to occur annually on the Fourth Sunday of Easter, popularly known for quite some time as Good Shepherd Sunday. The Church in every age is in need of men and women to respond to God’s call and lay down their lives for generous, humble service of God’s People.

I invite you and your family to prayer the following prayer often to ask that the Holy Spirit move the hearts of young people to consider a call to priesthood and consecrated religious life:

Dear Jesus, thank You for all the priests and religious who have helped us to live our faith. Give us the strength to live as faithful Catholics and work with them to promote life in Your Kingdom.

We beg You, send us more holy priests and religious to bring Your message of salvation to this and future generations. Bring among us men and women who will dedicate their entire lives to sharing our Catholic Faith in the world. You are Lord living and reigning for ever and ever.


Fr. Tom