Bulletin Week December 18, 2016

mary-with-childFROM THE PASTOR’S DESK

In his most recent book, Accepting the Mystery: Scriptural
Reflections for Advent and Christmas (Paulist Press, 2016), Cardinal
Walter Kasper writes the following:
“As I see and understand her, Mary was a person who
quieted herself and listened, a person who listened with
and within her heart as God spoke to her about what
God wanted from her and about what her life’s task
would be; we, on the other hand, are too often focused
on the outside world, distracted by the many things that
seem important or interesting or fascinating.”

Advent not only demands that we watch and wait for the coming of the Lord; its spirituality asks that we learn patience so that we can be quiet and listen to what God wants of us. We all know how this time of year can bring on so much stress as we seek that “perfect Christmas.” Well, remember in A Charlie Brown Christmas how Linus responded to Charlie Brown when he implored, “Isn’t there anyone who knows what Christmas is all about?” Linus simply quoted the passage from Luke 2:8-14.
It’s a simple story of the birth of a child, an angel’s announcement to shepherds and the song of the choir of angels: “Peace on earth; good will to all!”

In these closing days of Advent, let Mary be an example so that we can quiet ourselves and listen to the true story and meaning of Christmas!
Love, Father Tom