Bulletin Week February 11, 2018

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Thanks to all who took part in our Parish Mission this past week. There were certainly many gracious and complimentary comments from many of you. It is my
prayer that the fruits of the Mission will continue to grow and nourish us for weeks and months to come.

Today is Pledge Sunday for the Bishop’s Annual Stewardship Appeal (BASA). This Appeal is one of the primary ways that Bishop Estévez is able to fund the
needs of our diocesan family. This year the Appeal will fund five specific areas: Education for Seminarians, Catholic Charities, assistance to Catholic Schools,
Evangelization efforts, and support for Senior Priests.

The total goal for all the parishes of the Diocese is $3.5 million. While no specific financial goal has been set for our parish, the BASA Committee has asked that we set a
goal of 400 families from the Cathedral Parish making a financial pledge/gift.

The Church to which we belong is much broader and larger than the Cathedral Parish and the institutions for which our parish is responsible. We are a Universal
Church which includes all Catholic parishes, clergy and institutions of the 17-county area of the Diocese of St. Augustine.

Your response to the Appeal allows the greater family that is the Catholic Church to respond to the needs of the many.

Love, Father Tom