Bulletin Week July 10, 2022

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From the Florida Catholic Bishops

On June 24, 2022, the Supreme Court of the United States issued a landmark
ruling in Dobbs v. Jackson Women’s Health Organization, overturning Roe v.
Wade and Planned Parenthood v. Casey. Bishop Felipe Estevez joins his
brother bishops of Florida in issuing the following statement:
“We are deeply heartened to see that the U.S. Supreme Court has overturned
Roe v. Wade and Planned Parenthood v. Casey in its landmark opinion, Dobbs v.
Jackson Women’s Health Organization. The most influential abortion case in
decades, Dobbs is a decision by our nation’s highest court to allow states to
protect women and their children from abortion through all stages of pregnancy.
The legacy of Roe and Casey has been the imposition of an abortion regime that
made our nation one of the most liberal of Western democratic countries on
abortion. As a result, over 62 million children nationwide and 3,368,4751 children in Florida were denied the opportunity to live outside the womb since
1973. Mothers, fathers, and families have suffered under the shadow of Roe.
Now, decision-making on abortion policy is once again in the hands of the
American people and their elected officials. This is a momentous step towards
establishing a more robust culture of life.
The Dobbs case marks a new era for the work of the Church and all those who
strive to protect children in the womb. We remain committed to ministries of
service that accompany expectant mothers facing difficult or unintended pregnancies. We strive to continue to build a society that empowers women so that
mothers are truly supported throughout pregnancy and beyond. A truly pro-life
culture values women for their unique contributions and special gifts in all
spheres of life while supporting them in their roles as mothers. We wholeheartedly promote the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops’ initiative Walking with
Moms in Need as well as the Florida Pregnancy Care Network to provide lifeaffirming care for women.
We also remain passionate in the collective effort to change hearts and minds in
Florida so that abortion is unthinkable and to advocate for the legal protection
of human life in the womb accompanied by profound care for mothers and their
children. Roe’s reversal is the long-awaited righting of a grievous wrong, and
we look ahead with grateful hope as we seek to bring the light of Christ and the
Gospel of Life to our state of Florida.”
To access resources in the Diocese of St. Augustine, visit life.dosafl.com