Bulletin Week July 8, 2018

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From the Pastor’s Desk

On this Lord’s Day at the 11:00 a.m. Mass, we will bless and inaugurate the beautiful bust of our patron, Saint Augustine of Hippo. In the middle of the bust we will also place a relic of Augustine that was willed to the Cathedral Parish many years ago. A generous donation from a local family has permitted us to have this bust fabricated in such a way that this relic of our patron will now be on display in the Blessed Sacrament Chapel and allow the faithful to venerate it.

Veneration of relics (as well as statues, icons and other images of saints and holy ones) is never a replacement for our worship of God. That worship is always primary! In venerating Mary and the saints, we are to always offer God the first aspect of our praise for He alone is the source of our salvation in His Son, Jesus Christ. When we venerate such items as relics we praise the work that God has done in the world through this saint by the action of the Holy Spirit! Thus, each of us – called to be Saints, too – can learn from the life and intercession of the Saints the very holiness of life we must lead in order to attain fullness of life in heaven.

We give thanks that this bust will be prominently displayed in our Cathedral for years to come. On special occasions we will bring it out of the cabinet to permit a more intimate veneration of the relic. Continue to always ask our patron, Saint Augustine of Hippo, to intercede for us and our city.


Father Tom