Bulletin Week November 20, 2016

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jesus-in-russiaFrom the Pastor’s desk (in absentia)

The Solemnity of Our Lord Jesus Christ, King of the Universe, was instituted in 1925 by Pope Pius XI. In the aftermath of World War I and with the arrival of the “Roaring ‘20’s” in the United States and many other nations and cultures of the world, the feast was established in order to place before the Catholic faithful the Person of Christ who, as our spiritual King and Lord of all, is the only one who offers true freedom and salvation. Pope Pius’ hope rings true into our own time – ninety one years later. Nations, peoples and cultures still must come to know Jesus Christ. The message of our Lord and King needs to reverberate anew in our daily words and deeds. To proclaim Jesus as Christ (Christos, the Anointed One) and Kyrios, that is, Lord, states that Jesus is the one who directs, guides and leads each and every action of our lives. He has said, “I am the Way, the Truth and the Life” (Jn 14:6). Each of us needs to daily commit ourselves to this way of life. And as our nation pauses to celebrate a National Day of Thanksgiving, on behalf of my brother priests and the staff of the Cathedral Parish, may your celebrations be filled with God’s blessings.

Love, Father Tom