Bulletin Week September 4, 2022

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Prayer of Bishop Erik Pohlmeier for the Diocese of St. Augustine

Good and Gracious God. You give us life and
provide for all our needs. But, you also
demand faithfulness of your children. On
the day of my ordination as Bishop of the
Diocese of St. Augustine, I promised to pray
for the people of God without ceasing.
Called to be their shepherd I raise them to
you in prayer now.
I unite my prayer to Abraham and Moses
and Ezekiel. You called them to stand in the
breach on behalf of your people. Hear my
prayer now.
For all who seek you, grant them consolation.
For all who have strayed from you, bring them back.
For sinners, grant mercy.
For all the sick, grant healing.
For caregivers, help them persevere with compassion.
For those suffering loss, restore them.
For those suffering from mental illness, relieve their burden.
For those oppressed by evil, liberate them.
For those filled with worry, give reassurance.
For those expecting or desiring children, fill them with hope.
For those weighing decisions, grant clear sight.
For families, give unity and love.
For those with addictions, grant freedom.
For all who are alone, comfort them.
For all who mourn, ease their pain.
For those who are persecuted, renew their strength.
For any who are lacking basic needs, provide for them.
For victims of violence, grant justice and the grace to forgive.
For our military, protect them from harm.
For our priests, grant them holiness and zeal.
For our religious and consecrated, strengthen their witness.
For our seminarians, form them in the way of the Gospel.
For our staff and volunteers, bear fruit in their ministry.
For all the faithful, give them faith, hope and love.
For vocations, open hearts to your call.
For our parishes, pour out your grace.
For our schools, form families in the Gospel.
In all our charitable works, multiply your love.
For our donors, be generous in their needs.
For our Christian brothers and sisters, bring unity.
For those who don’t believe in God, reveal your glory.
For all the intentions submitted to me, may your will be done.
St. Augustine, pray for us.
Our Lady of La Leche, pray for us