Bulletin Week November 27, 2016

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jesus-and-his-peopleFrom the Pastor’s desk (in absentia)

Excita, quaesumus Domine, potentiam tuam, et veni! Summon your power, O Lord, and come! The Latin antiphon above (with the provided English translation) is one of the oldest Advent antiphons of the Roman liturgy. Psalm 68:28 apparently was the great in- fluence for this antiphon – a psalm that, in a sense, cheers on God, along with the vast array of his faithful people, to victory over the enemy.

During the season of Advent, a season that has us focus first on the Second Coming of Christ at the end of time, this antiphon is best seen in its liturgical context. As God’s faithful people, having gathered at the altar of sacrifice to remember Christ’s death and resurrection, God’s power is manifested. The enemy, eternal death, is driven away by Jesus who even in death is the Light of the world. Only in this display of God’s strength will we be able to overcome all that is dark in our lives. The constant prayer and cry of Advent is for God to come among us! He, of course, is already here.

Our prayer is that we might never sense that we are in this alone, but realize God is always, truly present to us bringing His Light and Life to the world. Need a reminder – light a candle and pray that its light and warmth will be a visible reminder of that invisible strength. Love, Father Tom