Bulletin Week January 12, 2020

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From the Pastor’s Desk

In Eucharistic Prayer II, we hear: “You are indeed holy, O Lord, the fount of all holiness.” In the Sacrament
of Baptism, we are made holy, too, we are united to Christ — joined with Him – in the Paschal Mystery of his saving
Death and Resurrection. Thus, at Vatican Council II, the bishops reminded us that all Christians have a universal
call to holiness.

Those men and women, boys and girls who are recognized as models of holiness and have “gone before us
marked with the sign of Faith” in death – the Saints and Blesseds – help us know that it is possible to live this
holiness of life. I was first inspired by the saints when my parents gave me the book Pictorial Book of the Saints
when I made my First Holy Communion in May 1965. (I still have it!) Often I could be found reading the stories of
these people who may have seemed other worldly, but, in fact, were very much one of us.

Today, thanks to the generosity of one of our Cathedral families, you will be receiving a free copy of
Rediscover the Saints: Twenty-five Questions That Will Change Your Life by Matthew Kelly. This book highlights the
stories of saints (some better known than others) and their compelling decisions to seek holiness in Christ. I hope
that this will spur you on in your continuing efforts to answer the call to holiness and be a faithful disciple of theLord Jesus.

Father Tom