Bulletin Week January 24, 2021

click here for full bulletin


From the Pastor’s Desk

For the second time since its inception, the Church, at the invitation of Pope Francis, observes on this Lord’s
Day the Sunday of the Word of God. The present Lectionary for Mass was developed in the years following the
Second Vatican Council (1962-1965) in response to the call of the bishops to “open up more lavishly the treasures
of the Bible” (Sacrosanctum Concilum, no. 51). The Lectionary provides the Scripture readings for the Mass and
most other rites of the Church celebrated throughout the year.

There are two ritual books that contain the assigned Scripture readings for the Sacred Liturgy: the
Lectionary for Mass and the Book of the Gospels. The latter has come into general and regular use especially on
Sundays and other major feasts of the Church’s liturgical calendar. Centuries ago the Book of the Gospels held a
cherished place in cathedrals and monasteries, being illuminated with wonderful works of art that brought the
verses of the Bible to life. Several years ago a family in the Cathedral Parish donated the Saint John’s Bible Book of
the Gospels which is a modern version of those treasured works of old.

I hope every family in the parish has an excellent translation of the Bible in their homes. And that it’s a
Catholic Bible! The Bible that came out of the Protestant Reformation had several books removed by the
Reformers. Elsewhere in today’s bulletin I give a list of several Catholic Bibles that are very good for use in
reflecting on and studying God’s holy Word in your homes and with others.

One of my favorite verses in the Bible about the power of God’s Word is found in the Letter to the Hebrews:
“The Word of God is living and effective, sharper than any two-edged sword, penetrating even soul and spirit, joints
and marrow, and able to discern reflections and thoughts of the heart” (Hebrews 4:12). I pray we all will continue
to grow in our knowledge and love of the Word of God as well as its power to form our lives as disciples of Christ.

Fr. Tom