Bulletin Week September 13, 2020

click here for full bulletin


From the Pastor’s Desk

First, Election Day is seven weeks from this Tuesday. A couple of weeks ago, I asked you to be aware of and make use of the resource that the U.S. Bishops Conference has prepared – Forming Consciences for Faithful Citizenship: A Call to Political Responsibility. You can download the document for free at the Bishops’ website – www.usccb.org.

In addition to studying the issues and forming our consciences, another way that, as people of the Christian faith, we need to prepare for the upcoming election is to pray. Intercessory prayer is one of the hallmarks of a disciple of Christ; Saint Paul exhorted the Church at Thessalonika to “pray without ceasing” (1 Thes 5:17). And so, I have purchased holy cards with an “Election Prayer” on each which I invite you to take after Mass from the tables inside the doors of the Cathedral and St. Benedict the Moor Church. (Please take 1 per family.)

Secondly, included in today’s bulletin is a summary of the Operating Budget of the Cathedral Parish for the Fiscal Year that concluded on June 30, 2020. Considering that for over 25% of the year we faced the issues of the COVID-19 pandemic, showing a surplus of just over $11,000 is a blessing! Much of this is thanks to the generosity of you, our parishioners. I will have more to say at the Masses this weekend about the financial report. If you have any questions regarding the report, please see me, our Parish Manager, John Garofalo, or any member of the Cathedral Finance Council.


Fr. Tom